China factory protesting

Fanatec Shenzhen OEM factory employees protest Fanatec's Shenzhen OEM factory, which is a major supplier, has stopped production for several weeks and employees are protesting.

The photo is leaked so it's not high resolution

The reason for the protest is mainly due to long-term arrears of payment for goods, the longest of which was the batch of goods on Black Friday last year. Yes, it was the batch of goods that got Fanatec into a quagmire.

After the former CEO Thomas Jackermeier was fired, the new management was not trusted and the two sides were caught in a tug-of-war. At present, Fanatec's parent company Endor is still waiting for the local court to rule on the restructuring plan.

personally hope Fanatec can survive.


  • Could explain some of the faulty units just being slapped together with no regard to QC. Hopefuly Corsair aquiring them can sort out any kind of arrears, which I'm sure they'll have to anyway, it being part of the baggage of aquisition. It might have already been handled.

  • TJ mentioned also that software department protesting so maby not hope that new versions come at near future?!?

  • this youtuber Kireth talked sometime ago that factory stop work, i guess he talked truth

  • edited July 15

    That was no special wild guess or even secret insider Information from this youtuber, he does not have any special secret Information which otherwise nobody else would have. That was no secret and a publicly available Information for everyone who follows the wallstreet-online forum.

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited July 15


    i think he take that info from there anyways

  • edited July 15

    He does, and then sells this news as something special which only he got as an insider information which you can ONLY get from him and not from anyone else so everyone thinks he is something special... He is really nothing special, he is just doing everything for clicks and some minutes of fame - which unfortunately even works...

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited July 15

    one i not get tho. how fanatec can be over million euros depth for factory what builds products to sell.

    its like they not been pay long time now for them

    i understand there is usually some agreements between company but man over one mil?

  • Hello, I know the video where people are protesting, they're right. But I have a question. In the picture above there's a new wheelbase in the middle! When is it coming and what is it called? Or is it just a DD prototype?

  • Where do you see a new Wheel Base? The Base in the middle is just a Podium DD, available since April 2019.

    Even if it would be a new Base, do you really think you would get an answer when it would be released? :D

  • She just doesn't look like a DD, very similar I admit. And you could have said something about it if she was already there. But thank you anyway.

  • edited July 17

    I can assure you, it is just a regular Podium DD (just without the magnetic side covers and without a QR Base-Side attached) and imo its quite obvious also from the pixelated image...

  • The wave looks shorter and somehow the base looks a bit thicker in the picture. But I believe you, it's probably a test base or something. And thanks again for the answer. But one more question, the SDK for Xbox is expected this year, you wrote about it at the beginning of the year, I just wanted to ask again.

  • The SDK is already released to game devs which now need to implement it into their games.

    Beside the game devs it is now also up to implement the SDK features into the Firmware which is expected for this year, still. No new ETA.

  • OK, thank you for the answer. Xbox owners are looking forward to it.

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited July 17

    don't get high hopes. developers usually not waste time in old games (unless if its high profitable). if SDK supports then only new games may start support

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