Fanatec CSL DD disconnects when the wheel is pluged in.

I recently bought CSL DD, CSL Elite Mclaren GT3 V2 and CSL Pedals with load cell kit. It arrived like 5 days ago. It was first normal but the next day it was disconnecting when i plug in my wheel to the base. The light on the base is flashing random colors when i plug my wheel in. I tried reseating the shaft but it didnt work. Seem like its a hardware problem. Can someone help? Thank you


  • A few days ago, I opened a forum post about this issue here: Fanatec Forum.

    I also received my Formula 2.5 wheel, played one race, and it prompted me to update the wheel. Since then, it hasn’t worked at all. When I attach the wheel to the base, the base disconnects from USB, and it pulses red, entering update mode. None of the recovery solutions work. I rolled back to driver 452 and downgraded the base firmware, but nothing solves the issue. I contacted support a week ago but haven’t received a response yet.

  • Yeah i didnt get any response from them too. How many days should i wait. We are paying all that money for nothing. If it's unrepairable i'll send it to them.

  • You need to wait weeks, not days. In fact, the current response time of the support is still over a month AFAIK.

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited July 27

    it depends off color flashing , but does your steering wheel shaft is in his place or it moved away in base?

    if it was not properly tighten from factory, it could be issue at there

  • I think we should wait patiently for the support's response; this is probably a firmware issue.

  • well. if you think its not shaft then there could be that you need a RMA, there not many reports off this issue. i little doubt that this is a firmware self

  • I checked it but it was ok. idk what causes it.

  • Hello,

    I think i am having a related issue. I have an older Fanatec Podium with F1 wheel and a regular wheel/hub adapter. I've done nothing but play my system and it has been reliable, but today it stopped working. When I turned it on today I kept getting "Fanatec Firmware UPdater, update mode: Clubsport steering wheel formula v2". then when i would try to update, nothing, and it seemed to brick the base motor unit. then i would remove the wheel, reboot the base, it ran fine, i even drove a car on assetto by just turning the shaft without a wheel. but then i connect the f1 wheel or my regular steering wheel and it goes back to that update thing.

    My assumption: The base did some kind of auto firmware update, and that firmware is not matching the wheel firmwares, and the wheel firmwares do not seem to exist.

    So after messing around for two hours i tried reverting back and got everything somewhat back to normal, although now my F1 wheel is stuck on "CAL" and none of the buttons seem to work. here is the steps i did to revert, and here are some screenshots.

    1 open the Fanatec firmware manager, click on Downgrade and downgrade the firmware for the base (not the wheels). check usermanual or this link: I chose the 2021 driver range 423-441

    2 I dont know what it means by install the 423-441 after, and i could find no hex drivers or anything under my product on the fanatec website.

    3 There was a series of the hub booting and rebooting, and i kept getting that original error about the wheel firmware, i ignored it as much as i could and tried to continue with the firmware downgrade menu, although it seemed to be in battle with the other prompt that was trying to get me to update firmware.

    4 after this i could see the firmware was reverted for the base DD1. the wheel was not showing until i plugged it in. i cant remember if i tried to revert the wheel, i think i just did an update and that is the issue. there was so many steps i took in between that i was having trouble taking notes.

    5 after this i went to play the game and my sequential shifter was workign but not H pattern, which IIRC is what happens when you first set up the shifter but that was years ago. So I was able to reset this up through the Fanatec Control panel. i was not able to do this manually through the wheel/hub because my wheel is still stuck in CAL.

    so at least i can play with the regular wheel for now. Also SAVE ALL YOUR WHEEL TUNE SETTINGS before doing this. mine got erased. which sucks cause i spent over a year fine tuning those.

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited July 28

    Jonathan Atienza

    it looks like you had issue update WQR to version 7

    try install that with version 452.

    i to remember i had some issues install this myself as well, after multi try with differed ways, like wheel in and wheel out also multi restarts or something like this . i was manage todo that

    this is first thing what you may need check if you manage install that, you to need WQR 7

    after that you may need or can install steering wheel firmware to version 47

    do not todo the steering wheel update before that.

    if you not manage install that WQR 7 then 451 is latest version what works with WQR 6

  • Its my first time using a fanatec wheel so i didnt't very understand what you are saying sorry. Can you explain it a little bit more? Thank you.

  • i comment the "Jonathan Atienza" issue what he tell and show in images

  • Oh ok im so sorry. I took your time.

  • I was using driver 455 but there was no downgrade button. I downloaded driver 450 too but there was no downgrade button too. I dont know what to do.

  • If you install any driver, for example, the 450:

    You can see in the description which firmware is included with the driver: CSL DD / GT DD PRO Base: (NEW) CSL DD / GT DD PRO Motor: (NEW)

    The firmware is included in the driver itself; it doesn't come from the internet.

    If you download and install it, then in the Update tool, if you check the Manual Firmware Update checkbox and press Manual Base Update, the firmware included in the driver will be installed, not the latest one. In the case of the 450 driver, the firmware for the base will be

  • Guys nothing works. I hope it isnt a hardware problem. Why is there a problem like this. This doesnt make any sense. What is the purpose of this. I waited soo long for this product to arrive but now it doesnt work. I contacted support and waiting for 2 week. Its unbeliavable.

  • you should not todo manual firmware updates by default

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited July 29

    of course is a hardware problem. it should not act like this

  • any updates

  • Unfortunatly not. They responded me with an emaşlk saying "use our AI" and it said the same thing "Reseat the shaft". I already did it but no. Nothing works. But it does this when my computer is turnd off too. I think the firmware inside the wheelbase cant match the steering wheels wheelbase.

  • And i hear usb connect and disconnect and reconnect again when i plug my wheel in.

  • UPDATE: I just reseated my shaft and realised that i reseated it wrong. When i did it again it worked.

  • The support still hasn't responded. During a warranty CSL DD base update, it dropped the base motor firmware to 0, and I haven't received any response for a month.

    My Formula 2.5 steering wheel requested a firmware update, and since then, no base has detected it.

    I have been waiting for a month, and both products are under warranty. I can't use either of them :)

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