My CSL dd keeps freezing when playing iracing..

today i was playing iracing when my wheel randomly locked in place in the game and didn't move any. When i opened the fanatec control panel everything was frozen. when i moved the wheel the wheel values didnt move and stays at whatever percent it was at. I then put it to the yellow mode, which idek what it does, and it seemed like it was working because it hadnt froze in over an hour. Then out of no where mid race it freezes which is very annoying because i just lost over 100 irating in the span of two races due to this. I have had my fanatec csl dd since around late june and i have not had this issue yet. Last night i cleaned up my setup and added a usb extension in a spare usb slot so nothing of the fanatecs wires was moved. if someone could help me fix this issue soon i would appreciate it because i would really like to do daytona cup series lmao.

EDIT (12:00 AM): I just unplugged the USB extension and put all the ports back to where they were last night. i did a test earlier and just didnt touch anything and left my pc on the home screen to see if the fanatec froze, which it did. Ima do that test again and edit this again


  • aint lettin me edit no more.. i had it on yellow mode by accident for 15 mins when i first started the test and it did glitch and the ive been sitting here for the past hourish on red and it has not glitched out so idek if it is fixed or not.

    Im going to turn my pc off but if anyone has suggestions if it didnt work overnight please just post it in the comments. idc if it seems like a stupid suggestion just post anything that could be the issue if the issue does continue which hopefully it doesnt

  • hi I have had the same problem on ACC for a few days, my steering wheel is blocked, I have to close the game and turn off the steering wheel, this is very annoying. I am playing in mode with the yellow light should I switch to PC mode?

  • i to seen something like this before. but currently i not remember when.

    those games what i been play atm, something like this not seems happen.

    what firmware update you using ?

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