CSL Elite Racing Wheel - officially licensed for PS4
Sad Friday.... And the sentence:" Some people were dissapointed that there is no offer for PS4 users but this is actually not true as you can create your own PS4 bundle if you combine offer 1, 2 and/or 4 with the CSL Elite Racing wheel." is a joke, sorry!
PS4 users asked for a fanatec starter kit and not for a 1000€+ professional racing set.
So if I have this correct, the V3 inverted pedals really need to be mounted to a rig or stand for them to work properly without them moving about on the floor? Is this basically the consensus?
Has anyone used the V3 inverted pedals without a rig or stand successfully without pedal movement issues?
SimPit did a video on you tube and show how pedals react without monting to a chassis.
Lackluster to say the least. Been waiting to build a simracing setup from scratch with wheelbase 2.5, Formula rim and standard ClubSport 3 pedals and none of them are on sale. Not interested in the universal hub as even with a discount it's more expensive than the formula rim.
Oh well, I guess no Fanatec for me. Have to look elsewhere...
received V3i yesterday.... spent with taxes and shipment.... 632 € ... damn!
Please discuss with our sales team. I am sure they can make you happy somehow.
I spoke to your sales team asking if there are any discounts they can do when purchasing a whole setup and they said they're not able to do any discounts at all so not much point asking I'd say.
Still have not offered the CS v2.5 wheel base disappointing but, they cann't please everyone.
Yeah I'm quite disappointed, I was looking for a v2.5 deal tu convince me to buy it knowing that the podium series is around the corner. Maybe I should just wait for it.
Still have not offered the CS v2.5 wheel base disappointing but, they cann't please everyone.
Yeah I'm quite disappointed, I was looking for a v2.5 deal tu convince me to buy it knowing that the podium series is around the corner. Maybe I should just wait for it.
Still have not offered the CS v2.5 wheel base disappointing but, they cann't please everyone.
Yeah I'm quite disappointed, I was looking for a v2.5 deal tu convince me to buy it knowing that the podium series is around the corner. Maybe I should just wait for it.
Yep, disappointing for sure. The podium series would be nice but, sure it's more than I'm willing to spend. It looks like their offering products they needed to move out that were not moving other than the last deal.I'm happy with my CS v3's I bought 3 weeks ago but, no base this year for me. I thought after i purchased them I would get a discount coupon towards a future purchase that never happened.
A bit disappointed I waited a few months for the announcements and couldn't take advantage of these generous discounts. But the bright side is I feel confident there won't be a sale come early 2018....and I can put my package together now of the CSW v2.5, Formula Rim, and CSP v3? :-B
¿Señores las ofertas solo para PC Y XBOX y los que quieres comprar el paquete csl élite racing de PS4? hay demasiada gente esperando este dia para que saquen ustedes las ofertas de PS4 Y NADA que irrespeto con ustede compre un pack de volante. porfavor hacer una OFERTA CON LA RUEDA ELITE PS4 gracias.
ich möchte nur ungern in das Gejammer um das fehlende Angebot für das PS4-kompatible CSL Elite Paket einstimmen, aber:
This year we will have 4 offers and I hope this pleases existing customers as well as new ones.
Das hat zumindest für mich nicht wirklich funktioniert. Ich habe, wie scheinbar einige andere auch, auf ein Einsteigerfreundliches Paket gehofft. Also quasi genau das, was Ihr für Xbox- und PC-Nutzer ja auch anbietet. Da klingen Eure Antworten im Kommentarbereich bei Facebook ein wenig nach Spott und Hohn, wenn es heißt, dass ja zwei der Angebote auch für PS4-Nutzer verwendbar sind.
Jupp, das mag stimmen. Aber ein Paket aus CSL Elite + invertierte Pedale und dann evtl. noch ein extra Lenkrad, ist meinem Empfinden nach nur wenig ansprechend für neue Kunden. Ich möchte zum Beisiel erst mal mit euren Produkten warm werden, schauen wie die Qualität ist, ob ich separate Teile, wie z. B. einen Schalter oder andere Pedale haben möchte. Denn ich bin nicht bereit oder in der Lagein diesem Fall für ein Hobby direkt über 800 € auszugeben, wenn ich nicht weiß, ob ich damit etwas anfangen kann.
Bei einem Einsteigerpaket wie dem für die Xbox´ler mit ähnlichem Rabatt komme ich auf 589,90 € * 0,6 = 353,94 € (jaja, da ist der Rabatt den Ihr mit den Pedalen einräumt nicht dabei, ich weiß, aber beim Xbox-Starter-Paket sind es auch nur 10 € Rabatt)
Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn: Da würde ich ohne lange zu zögern zugreifen.
Bei über 800 € nicht mal wenn ich einen ganz besonders guten Tag habe. Nun weiß ich nicht wie Eure Produktionskosten aussehen, aber 353 € und ein bisschen Kupfer mit der Chance, dass der Kunde noch mal wieder kommt und mehr kauft, ist auf jeden Fall mehr als nix, weil die Investition abschreckt.
So, nun habe ich doch gejammert, aber Ihr habt bis hier her gelesen und dafür Dankeschön!
Mir bleibt jetzt nur zu hoffen, dass Ihr ein Herz für "arme" PS4-Nutzer habt und noch einen Deal nachschiebt, die Diskussion hier weiter zu verfolgen und euch einen erfolgreichen Black Friday zu wünschen
So, there's not Black Friday for PS4 users in Fanatec. Really sad.
I was decided to buy a CSL Elite kit with decent offer (I don't expect 40% discount) but I think that I will choose another brand that supports all their
customers, not only to the PC/XBOX users.
"Some people were dissapointed that there is no offer for PS4 users but this is actually not true as you can create your own PS4 bundle if you combine offer 1, 2 and/or 4 with the CSL Elite Racing wheel."
How should this work when the PS4 base alone already costs more than the BF offer no. 3? Please make a suitable PS4 based bundle like the offer no. 3.
I, who wants to get his first fanatec base, own a PS4, not an Xbox. And imo, it's unfair to offer the Xbox version on sale, but leave behind the PS4 users because we'd have to buy the base at full price, which alsone is more expensive than the BF offer on the Xbox base
Oh well, looks like ThrustMaster will be getting my business this year. Too bad there is no deal for ps4 owners. I will hold out a few days and see if Fanatec decides to add CSL Elite for PS4.
I really love Fanatec products and have the ps4 base plus loadcell pedals already but have to agree with the majority of comments here that ps4 users are left in the Cold. Why not put the ps4 base in BF which is xbox compatible so everyone can have some discount and enjoy the premium Fanatec products instead of only xbox users. Perhaps xbox overstock/fasing out related?
I'm very disappointed that Thomas decided not to offer a ps4 bundle, I was all ready to order the ps4 starter bundle but now I somehow feel cheated, I'll have to have a think about who gets my money.........
It's possible. But if they want to sell the Xbox ovestock, they can offer a great discount like the Xbox starter pack has. Anyway, they can't leave abandoned a significant part of their potential coustomers with no offers for them. I would undestand lower discounts, but I don't accept been absolutely marginalized.
2 Freunde + meine Wenigkeit hofften ebenfalls auf ein PS4 Bundle Angebot. Seit GT draußen ist, haben wir auf den BF gewartet und darauf hingefiebert. Leider völlig umsonst. Jetzt wird es dann doch ein Thrustmaster GT Edition bei uns. Schade, dass ihr die PS4 Spieler so ignoriert. Und die Erklärung dazu, da gebe ich den Anderen hier recht, ist ein schlechter Witz. Dann lieber gar nichts dazu schreiben als sowas.
i am interested in buying the V3i Pedals. I have some questions and i hope you can help me.
1. are the Pedals compatible with the CSW Base V1? 2. do i need any adapter(cables) to use it with my base? 3. is it possible to use it on the Playstation (i use drive hub on the ps4) and calibrate the load cell? 4. is the Shifter SQ V1.5 and the Handbrake V1.5 compatible with the pedals or do i need any adapter?
If there is no way to calibrate the load cell while the pedals are pluged in the wheel base, that would unfortunately be a deal breaker for me. =((
Yep, disappointing for sure. The podium series would be nice but, sure it's more than I'm willing to spend. It looks like their offering products they needed to move out that were not moving other than the last deal.I'm happy with my CS v3's I bought 3 weeks ago but, no base this year for me. I thought after i purchased them I would get a discount coupon towards a future purchase that never happened.
CSL Elite Racing Wheel - con licencia oficial para PS4
Inverted CSP and the new rim for me;-) I am engaged in E-League on Xbox one (F1 2017) and the rim could be awesome for the end of the season!!
i am interested in buying the V3i Pedals. I have some questions and i hope you can help me.
1. are the Pedals compatible with the CSW Base V1?
2. do i need any adapter(cables) to use it with my base?
3. is it possible to use it on the Playstation (i use drive hub on the ps4) and calibrate the load cell?
4. is the Shifter SQ V1.5 and the Handbrake V1.5 compatible with the pedals or do i need any adapter?
If there is no way to calibrate the load cell while the pedals are pluged in the wheel base, that would unfortunately be a deal breaker for me.
thank you and great BF offers