CSL Elite Pedals + Wheel Base shipping NOW

I am very pleased to tell you that we are able to ship the new CSL Elite Wheel base and the CSL Elite pedals with and without load cell kit from today and that means well ahead of the original schedule.

All pre-orders up to this moment will be fullfiled but supply is still very short and won't last very long. You will receive your pre-ordered unit within the next two weeks regardless what region.

If you are one of the lucky owners, please let us know how you like your new gear.



  • Yes can't wait, hope for Europe first...

  • is that for PS4 ?
  • Is this also for the 2 winners of the slogan contest?
  • edited October 2016
    double post
  • No shipping mail yet?
  • No shipping mail yet?
    mail received delivery in Italy scheduled for 26th, thank you fanatec
  • Mine still says estimated shipping date 04/11 although I ordered 10/10.
    Well "good things come to those who wait" I guess :D
  • Hello i whant to Homans race whit my new csl and i dont know witch driver i need to download i'm going to use it on a xbox one please help mee
  • I want to know if you order do you get charged immediately or when it actually ships?
  • You get charged right away, but that doesn't really matter right now because they are in stock and ready to ship. My wheel base and rim are scheduled for delivery today, but FedEx has not updated my tracking info since yesterday and it's still supposedly a few states away so I'm not confident that it will arrive today. So much for upgrading to three-day shipping, at least it was only a few dollars more than the slower shipping cost...
  • Hello i whant to Homans race whit my new csl and i dont know witch driver i need to download i'm going to use it on a xbox one please help mee
    Don't need to update right now...the base holds the latest firmware. Just hook everything up according to the manual and you're good to go
  • Got my wheel base today to replace my CSW v1 base, nice to get it ahead of schedule and for the long weekend, thanks fanatec! Very happy with the wheel base, forces seem pretty good in comparison to what I had. F1 2016 (PC) partially recognises the wheel base in that I can configure gear up/down etc, but I cannot get it to register any steering movement (left or right). I suppose I could try editing the config file.
  • David BurnsDavid Burns Member
    edited October 2016
    I got my wheel base along with the F1 Rim and I have to say I'm blown away by the quality of both.

    I was using an old Fanatec CSR (which I think is still one of the best value wheels around, even compared to the Logitech range) and the difference is so good from the smooth feeling to the ultra strong FFB (so strong, I've had to turn it down a lot to turn the wheel!!)

    The F1 rim is such a quality feel, from the buttons to the absolutely awesome paddle shift action and is the best paddle click I've ever felt on a sim wheel.

    It's gonna be tough to decide which is my favourtie Fanatec product, this or my Clubsport V3 pedals - ah, heck, love em all! <3
  • Got my wheel base today to replace my CSW v1 base, nice to get it ahead of schedule and for the long weekend, thanks fanatec! Very happy with the wheel base, forces seem pretty good in comparison to what I had. F1 2016 (PC) partially recognises the wheel base in that I can configure gear up/down etc, but I cannot get it to register any steering movement (left or right). I suppose I could try editing the config file.
    same problem here for me.

    It works great in Assetto Corsa, but i have the same issues in F1 2016 (PC) as Ross Palmer.

    Any Solutions? 
  • Ross PalmerRoss Palmer Member
    edited October 2016

    I found out the default sensitivity on the wheel is too high, so when trying to register the left/right wheel movement in the controller menu, it does not register anything (because the wheel barely turns in game despite giving full lock). Solution is simple - on your Fanatec wheel, enter the settings menu and dial down the sensitivity to about 50 or less and you should be able to register your wheel movement then. The new wheel base is fantastic, very smooth and powerful feeling. I also tried it in Automobilista - you can really feel the bumps in the circuit going round Interlagos, definitely a step up from the CSW V1.

  • I found out the default sensitivity on the wheel is too high, so when trying to register the left/right wheel movement in the controller menu, it does not register anything (because the wheel barely turns in game despite giving full lock). Solution is simple - on your Fanatec wheel, enter the settings menu and dial down the sensitivity to about 50 or less and you should be able to register your wheel movement then. The new wheel base is fantastic, very smooth and powerful feeling. I also tried it in Automobilista - you can really feel the bumps in the circuit going round Interlagos, definitely a step up from the CSW V1.

    Thanks Ross, it worked! So Simple :-) You saved my weekend to drive now my f1 career with the csl instead of the Controller ;-)

    Which Sensivity do you use for F1? i have tested it with 40

  • edited October 2016
    Ohw yeah...forgot about that one. Game uses 240 DOR, does it work if you set SEN to auto ? If not use SEN to 24 if possible, or 25.
  • @Christian no problems you are welcome :) I currently have it on 37, but will try a lower value as Antoine suggests. I don't think SEN works on auto.
  • I have sinds friday the csl base with the BMW wheel. After install i had to update the firmware. After this moment the pedals (club v1) work half of the power and the wheel give no indication of thurning. I have Not drove a single meter. I have try all USB poorts => no respons I have try severel drivers I can Not find any other firmware (than 206). Please help

  • @Jw Van Wijngen have a look at Fanatec home site. There is live chat support throughout the days, I believe until 21.00 A red chat button appears on the right side when they're online. They can help you further. None of us ever heard of your problem I guess.
  • Received my new csl base and p1 wheel this week. Blown away by how good it feels on F1 2015 even without the proper F1 wheel. Only problem i have is that forza doesnt support the handbrake which sucks. Also would like to know, anyone who has the handbrake, when you downloaded the latest firmware, does your fanatec program on the pc pick up the handbrake test??? Mine shows everything but. It shows the throttle, brake, clutch and all the buttons working but not the handbrake when you test them. Any ideas???
  • Dayton GankDayton Gank Member
    edited November 2016
    I'm completely blown away by the difference after using another competitors wheel and base for the past 4 years. I'm the envy of my team.
  • Re. Xbox One compatibility... Does anyone know if Forza Horizon 3 is supported for CSL base? It seemed to work for the 'introduction' level, then once the game started fully it started misbehaving. Also on Assetto Corsa I have a strange issue where all of a sudden the handbrake feels like it is constantly engaged!? I have tried a few cars but all the same, any ideas or suggestions appreciated. I'm using CSL base with P1 wheel, CSS1.5 and CSPV3.
  • edited November 2016
    Ohw yeah...forgot about that one. Game uses 240 DOR, does it work if you set SEN to auto ? If not use SEN to 24 if possible, or 25.
    F1 2016 requires 360 degrees of rotation, as confirmed by its developers. You can either set degrees to 36 on the wheel or play with game's saturation setting: use 72% while keeping degrees at 1080 or 63% if you use 900 degrees.
  • I have sinds friday the csl base with the BMW wheel. After install i had to update the firmware. After this moment the pedals (club v1) work half of the power and the wheel give no indication of thurning. I have Not drove a single meter. I have try all USB poorts => no respons I have try severel drivers I can Not find any other firmware (than 206). Please help

    Maybe related:

    Just received my CSL Elite base, got my CSPV2 pedal set and HShifter plugged into it (with proper fanatec cables), but after v261 driver install and 206 firmware successfully applied, the wheel isn't detected at all. Got its first 3 orange leds lit at the top and on/off led blinking. appears nowhere in gaming device property page nor in device manager. No error message during driver installation...

    I mean help...


  • edited November 2016
    Ich habe am Montag meine CSL Elite Pedale mit der Load Cell Bremse bekommen.
    Ich besitze auch die ClubSport V3 Pedale und muss sagen dass ich damit nie richtig warm geworden bin. Die Vibrationsmotoren sind eher ein Gag und die Bremse hat sich nicht so angefühlt wie gewünscht. Auch wenn es mit den Eladurs dann schon deutlich besser wurde, aber ich war eben nie ganz zufrieden.
    Und so hab ich mir nun die CSL Elite Pedale bestellt und muss sagen das gefällt mir deutlich besser. Kein unnötiger Schnick Schnack, alles wirkt robust und die Bremse ist endlich so wie ich es mir wünsche.
    Auch das wechseln der Gummis für die Bremse geht so einfach und ohne Werkzeug, wirklich super gemacht.
    Aber eines versteh ich einfach nicht, wieso habt ihr die Gummis nicht verschieden farbig gemacht? Alle sind schwarz und nur ganz leicht beschriftet. Bei den vorab verbauten weichen Gummis ist diese Beschriftung schon gar nicht mehr vorhanden und auch bei den anderen kann man förmlich zusehen wie sie verschwindet. Wie soll man dann später noch sicher feststellen welche Gummis welche sind?
    Ja man kann die Gummis zusammen drücken und wird dann im direkten Vergleich auch merken welche die harten, welche die mittleren und welche die weichen sind, aber farblich unterschiedliche Gummis wären da viel einfacher ;)

    Ich habe bis jetzt immer nur 5 gleiche Gummis verbaut und bin auch wie schon erwähnt sehr zufrieden mit der Bremse. aber man kann doch sicher auch Gummis verschiedener Härte montieren oder? Vielleicht kann man da noch mehr von der Bremse raus holen :)

    Es wäre auf jeden Fall schön wenn ihr es dann in Zukunft so wie bei den Eladurs von den V3 Pedalen machen könntet, dort waren sie auch farblich getrennt.

    Und dann würde ich noch wissen, der gelb Schaumstoff, muss der immer an der gleichen Position sein oder kann man den auch weiter vorne oder hinten bei den Gummis positionieren? Und macht das dann einen Unterschied aus?

    Viele Grüße

    Nachtrag: und wieso ist eigentlich die brf Einstellung bei den CSL Pedalen anderes? Bei den V3 war es zu Beginn auch so soweit ich mich erinnern kann, also dass man nur in 10er Schritten einstellen kann und dass auch auf 100 am meisten Kraft benötigt wird und auf off braucht man das Pedal nur ganz leicht drücken und schon hat man volle Bremsleistung.
    Finde es aber so wie es aktuell bei den V3 ist deutlich besser, erstens kann man viel feiner dosieren und zweitens hat man auf off keine Bremsunterstützung und braucht somit am meisten Kraft. Je höher man den Wert dann Richtung 100 dreht desto wenig Kraft braucht man auf der Bremse. Es wäre also auch für die CSL Elite Pedale schön wenn das zeitnah so umgesetzt werden könnte
  • Ordered on Friday night, recieved CSL Elite base, CSL Elite Pedals with Loadcell kit, and Formula carbon wheel on Wednesday.

    It's amazing. So nicely made. Wonderful to drive with. I love it.

    My brake pedal has gone wrong - the brake doesn't register a signal properly, and does mad things - but i know that it'll get sorted soon, and I've already raised the support ticket.

    The rest of it is a work of art. I just need to bolt the pedals down because I can't hit them hard enough anymore...

    Happy customer. despite the little gremlin in mine.

  • edited November 2016
    Does fanatec already have a estimative on when the CSL Shifter and handbrake will be announced?
    With blackfriday knocking on the door i wouldnt wanna spend extra money on stuff to then realized i would be better of with then new handbrake and shifter.
  • Knowing Fanatec...that could take from 6 months to a year....thinking of all teasers Thomas gave. Ps4 base and wheel, CSL shifter and Handbrake and a DD base....that's gotta take some time to produce !
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