Fanatec can you please get your **** together!

For Christ's sake. WTF are you doing with people's back orders. Why are you shipping kit to customers who order on the new in stock day?!!

There is a serious lack of confidence on this whole forum. The community manager and customer service department are next to useless to us customers. Stop money grabbing and send the kit to the loyal.

Never before known such a completely retarded way if doing business!. Get it done please!

[Mod Edit] Language



  • I think they just don’t have the capacity or the infrastructure in place to handle the increased demand.

    Just screwing up left right and center.

  • Connor FitzConnor Fitz Member
    edited June 2020

    What did you order?

  • I agree, however it does help being constructive, like the fact that they:

    • Blame COVID 19 for mostly all of their issues is absurd because they're ignoring everything that they complete control over
    • Expect people to wait 2 weeks for a reply from Customer Service
    • The fact that Customer Service may not even respond in 2 weeks time (I have unanswered emails from over a month ago)
    • Realize that there's fundamental issues throughout the entire process but just blame it on the services they use/pay for and don't accept and blame or say they're going to do anything to fix it
    • Don't provide any sort of transparency
    • Don't provide any sort of realistic timeline of items to get back in-stock
    • Don't provide a list of which items are and are not affected

    All of these issues are legitimate issues, none of which they own up to, but also just creating posts swearing at them and calling them derogatory terms helps exactly no one in these situations. A lot of people are angry, including myself, but this is just kind of childish.

  • I just did a small calculation knowing the order reference of someone having order on the 12th of May, with my order of the 19th of May.

    At the end it's a bit more than 6000 orders in a week.

    I don't know how many they are at Fanatec, but if simracing market is a "niche" market (compared to Call of Duty) the number of order is pretty huge....

    Anymind, it doesn't justify to leave clients in the dark. :/

  • It's not childish at all. Get a grip. People have been expecting word on delivery dates since early April. Fanatec are selling stock to new customers, i.e, 22nd of June. If you believe people aren't going to vent on the only place that a Fanatec employee will make contact, you're living on a different planet.

  • I placed a single order for DD1. I've just read that a Europe customer placed an order on 22nd and received it today. And now I'm wrong for losing my rag.

  • Yeah. I mean, honestly.

    I'm pretty vocal about my displeasure with Fanatec at the moment, but if they were transparent and acknowledge that they have issues, own up to them and keep us in the loop I would be much more satisfied. Their products are not cheap, but they act like they're a small mom and pop shop and any issues they have they seemingly just pass the blame onto whatever service they use instead of actually trying to fix anything.

    For instance, I've never paid this much money for products to not have the company send me or update the order information with tracking information. I got confirmation that my Button Cap/Sticker set is "being processed" but no information as to whether the Limited Edition rims would be affected by the shipping issues

  • You're not wrong for being angry, you're wrong for how you voice your displeasure.

    Frankly, do you seriously expect anyone to take you seriously if you just start swearing at them and call them 'retards'? What exactly do you think that's going to resolve?

  • Jim GroveJim Grove Member
    edited June 2020

    I said the way they do business is retarded as in backward or stupid. Not the people. If Fanatec took people seriously, my initial post wouldn't have gone up. I can defend them as quickly as I can curse them. Anyone can. Vocalising displeasure at services unrendered is fair, regardless of how it comes across or how it's interpreted. It may seem unwarranted to you but to many on here, I'm sure I speak for them (or with them at least). I'm not a fanboy of Fanatec. I'm not even bothered about the wait. It's the fact that they're leaving people out when they should be fulfilling old orders. It's an old argument here but after reading about a happy new customer who ordered 2 days ago and recieved his kit, my rant stands (even if it comes across as an outburst).

  • For what it's worth, I apologise for going off on one. I lost my cool and hit send without thinking. I have no gripe with anyone. I know the times were living in. I understand Fanatec are probably trying to make the best of a bad time. I have no issues with the forum manager or moderator or Fanatec staff. Frustration runs high unfortunately.

  • Gotta say it's a bit tough when you see people ordering DD1s in the last few days,who are getting them when your backorder is in limbo. I thought Germany was an orderly kind of place,well it was the last time I was there a few years ago. Whatever way you frame it,it does sting somewhat.

    Just give them a few days,I am sure we will all have a better idea of where we are by the end of the week.

  • Yeah, I think things will speed up as we move forward. People can argue that it's a first world problem and not important, etc. But we live the way we live and it'll never change for us. I wish I had the patience of my wife. Nothing phases her. Even that gets on my nerves. 😄

  • Everyone gets frustrated, trust me I get it, especially when we're all trying to stay safe.

    Part of my frustration doesn't even lay with Fanatec. I'm bored and frustrated of being cooped up and I am using sim racing as a small escape to relieve some stress, and being overly excited about the new F1 game and getting a new rim with new button caps has me excited and hopeful, but I think the most frustrating part is that even after paying a premium, everything is out of our hands.

  • That's right though. We're banking on an orderly number system. Unfortunately, due to multi items in single orders, the system gets cocked up. I'm sure we know we're gonna be happy in a few weeks or a month. This pandemic also made me spend. Mostly because I had nothing else to do but see what was the next big thing. I have been sim racing for a few years but not at the Fanatec level. I (like many others) hoped the deliveries would be made back in April/may. It's exploded right at the time people were losing patience ( I hated being off work ). So it's escalated out of control.

  • Exactly the same situation! Except the fact that you've been doing this longer than I have.

    I originally purchased a Formula V2 Rim and the Podium Shifters, I ordered in April and ended up cancelling the order for the rim and before I put in a request to send back the Paddles I was lucky to be able to grab one of the limited edition wheels so I'm hoping that arrives in time for F1 2020.

    Being new to the whole genre (I've been playing racing games since Gran Turismo 2), and since you've been in this hobby for quite some time, what are some games you'd recommend besides Assetto Corsa?

  • The problem with us patient ones is often that we are only patient until we aren't. I am very patient but if my order is not fulfilled in the next few days I will cancel it. Not because of being angry, but because I know that it will not be fulfilled in July either because of some of the items on there.

    Thing is if I do cancel, I am not foolish enough to think that fanatec will be bothered. Of course they won't,they have plenty of customers,they aren't going to miss me so no point stamping my feet. But if I do cancel, got to say that I won't reorder with fanatec. Firstly what I want to buy won't be available. Second, the fact that they have been selling what i had ordered and waiting for to people who ordered in the last few days. I would lose all trust in them. I won't shout about it , but I wouldn't forget it. I would learn my lesson and move on.

    Saying that I don't meet problems half way. If they sort it out thats great,I look forward to my new stuff. If they don't then it wasn't meant to be and I will enjoy what I end up with. Either way, I am not going to angry about it.

  • Haha assetto Corsa competizioneoneone is my go to at the moment. It "feels" very fluid and true. I.e it doesn't tend to cheat the player with false or misleading input. People say the ffb is good and watching the sun rise after a scaled 24 hour race is really awesome. Automobilista 2 is up and coming and feels good. Industry leading FFb so they say! But the a.i is horrible at the moment. Pcars 2 is polished but FFb is lumpy without mods and the a.i cheat in the wet. RF2 is an awesome drive but is dated and the u.i is ugly and confusing. That's really the only ones I own to be honest. I never liked the original AC. Oh yeah f12019 (although not a sim) has absolutely fantastic a.i. I think they really nailed that.

  • Don't get me wrong though. Even though I've been racing these Sims for years, I'm still crap. 😄

  • Yeah I felt bad for ranting and I kinda wish they'd deleted my post. Like you, it's all good until something tips me over the edge. I nearly cancelled today but I know that once the initial anger wore off, I'd regret it and reorder and be dumped to the back of the queue again. Patience is indeed a virtue and I think that the mods allowing a vicious rant is testament to them being aware of it. I'd say don't cancel coz theyre going to get there in the end. But I understand completely if you do.

  • Ive spent nearly 2 months in a horrible kind of passive/aggressive loop which I rarely felt. Fanatecs issues were one reason and being off work for 7 weeks was another. Frustration then resignation then anger then resignation, etc. Mostly due to the pandemic and what came with it. It's something that I've never seen in 49 years. If someone had asked me to take a 7 week paid holiday I would have jumped at it. But that particular time was grim and only added to the frustration.

  • Not sure it's a bad thing to let people know when they have done something wrong. Fanatec certainly have done things wrong here and don't seem to be too bothered. People are more likely to listen if you remain somewhat composed and moderate your language a bit though.

    We all have to do what is right for us, and acting out of anger is certainly never going to be a positive thing to do. You have a smaller order than me,they will get there with you.

    My situation is slightly different. The v2/DD1 bundle is pre order available july 31st now. That's if there are dd1s and v2s available then. On its own maybe thats only a bit of a risk. Add in my v3 pedals and performance kit, chances are I will be waiting for months and months for all to be in stock at the same time. Just not worth it. I have to cancel.

    Everything in my order is currently showing the 26th June except the DD1 which is preorder, which they have been selling to everyone who wants one,hopefully they saved one for me. . I am really hopeful that things will get sorted on the 26th,

  • In exactly the same boat, ordered hours before it appeared in stock on the website, no news yet.

    Frustrating to hear people who ordered hours later have received theirs.

  • What about weeks before? My order changed from 26th June to 31st July for my DD1 bundle today, an hour after I asked Dominic for an update. Many hours after I PMed him,he still hasn't replied unfortunately. Has been just great to read all of the posts for the last few days of new buyers ordering their DD1s successfully and now getting this. I am being polite as ever,but Fanatec do know how to lose a customer in style. Absolutely fuming and not likely to forget this slap in the face.

  • Dominic BrennanDominic Brennan Member, Administrator

    Everyone affected by this issue in this thread should have received a PM from me.

    The fulfillment team is aware of the backorders being 'stuck' in the system and it is being worked on with the highest priority.

    [Fanatec Community Manager]

  • I live in Italy and I had the same problem, I ordered DD1 on June 18 (n ° 1100360) in pre-order and I still have not received any response from Fanatec.

    From this morning the pre-order data has passed to 10 July, but the money has already been removed from the credit cards.

    Is it possible to have news on this?

  • Same.

  • Fabio MerlinFabio Merlin Member
    edited June 2020

    Same. I am still waiting for the elite csl + pedals bundle since May 7. 1076381

  • Me too my order said it was ready tomorrow now it’s saying July 31st :(

  • this morning I received an email from Fanatec indicating the status of my order has changed in warehouse processing... with the related invoice of the material and shipping data June 26.

    I should be receiving UPS monitoring soon

    we cross our fingers but something has moved

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