Update to Customer Care Situation & Challenges | Cases older than 14 Days



  • Bonjour, j’ai passé commande n 1929738 le 02/03/24 pour + de 1019€ et je n’ai toujours aucune information sur le suivie de la commande ! Malgré vos problèmes cela est inacceptable et pas professionnel du tout, surtout pour une marque tel que la vôtre ! j’espère avoir tres bientôt de vos nouvelles. Cordialement sylvain

  • Stephen PriceStephen Price Member
    edited April 9

    Hi All,

    Someone from the UK here. I placed my order on the 29th March. I received an email you last Thursday to say it’s been dispatched but looking at the tracking 2 of the 3 items are with UPS and they are waiting for the last item in order to start shipping.

    i contacted UPS and they have said that you still haven’t send the final parcel yet for them to start to ship so stuck with you. I’ve tried to contact the web shop email address but it’s useless and never get a response.

    please someone contact me as soon as possible. Order number is 1946641.

    With other companies starting to do these kind of equipment now too, Fanatec really need to start treating there customers better otherwise be out of business in no time. Very frustrating.

    i look forward to your response.


    Stephen Price

  • Hi There,

    my Order Number 1945830 from 28.03. for the Load Cell Kit is still in Status "Transfer to Warehouse". In Shop the Pedal is ready to ship in 4-7 days. I never get a update on my Order. So i want to ask when it will be shipped, or do i have to cancel the order and by from another Producer?

    Really annoying!

  • Adding to the masses here - ordered 28/03 for the CSL 8NM DD bundle and load cell pedal upgrade for the V1 pedals. Still no update and we're stuck in handover to warehouse Order number 1945987 and based in the UK.

  • 28 Mar 2024 17:26:00


    UPS Standard

     Handover to warehouse

    But all my orders are in the same open state at handover to warehouse.

    Any idea on what this means and if I will get the product I ordered and payed for or will this remain in a limbo state?

  • Pedido 1936248 realizado el 12 de marzo 2024. Continua apareciendo pedido en proceso.

  • Any news 1943814 ?

  • denis rendersdenis renders Member
    edited April 10

    Hi, Its too long and no news!

    Can you canceling my order 1943565 and refunding me? (already asked by email but no response) It's crazy :-(

    Thank you

  • I placed my order on 28/03 (order number 1946041) and according your site everything was available in stock and shipping should be delivered within maximum 7 days. At present there is no sign of shipping number nor news from you about reason for delays and expected shipping date. Can you please provide informations about this disruption to my order.

  • Hello order
    1945966 pass 03/28 and still nothing it is 04/11 while you say delivery within 4/7 days
    If I don't hear back quickly I will block my PayPal payment and request a refund.
    Please do it as soon as possible

  • my order is 1940497. I want to know what is happening with my order. I am worried that you have took my money and ran away with it. I can not get hold of anyone in live chat even though I am trying during the correct hours.

      Everything I have ordered is in stock according to your website. It clearly says 4-7 days for shipping. I have waited patiently for the last month and I still haven't received my order and still haven't received an update about my order. So I want to know what is happening with it and why after all this time you have had my money you have not honoured my order 

  • Hello Waiting for my order dated March 11, 2024 9:00:00 with the number 1935470 for 8 weeks now for a tracking number / receipt of the goods. Already sent over 10 emails and received no response. Last try here before going to the lawyer.

  • @Andreas

    First off, if you placed an order Mar 11th, it's been like four weeks and not eight.

    If you've sent over ten emails in a month, congratulations. Only one is required, and they will answer every one of them in their own good time. However, for the people behind you, they now have to wait on a bunch of bogus emails.

    Lastly, if you want a lawyer then go get a lawyer. This is nothing more than bluster and an empty threat. They already have your money and if they go bankrupt, you won't see it again or the product.

  • Hi.

    order 1897335, which was created on 12th january. I have received multiple delay Mails, how ever, the Last Mail was pointing to yesterday, so I would finally Like to know how the State of my Order is and whether there is another delay…

  • Hello

    same with me.(Germany)

    Ordered January 12th (1897150), several delay mails. The last one pointing to 11.4.24 .

    Will it be shipped next Week?

  • hello

    order 1927866

    Handover to warehouse at february 28

    all products are in stock and allways nothing, no news, email no response...


  • Any update on order 1846505 placed on Nov 25 2023?

  • Bonjour,

    ORDER 1932422 : 2246€ 10 ARTICLES

    Commande du 6 mars 2024.

    Pas de nouvelles à ce jour de la commande malgré mes mails qui sont restés sans réponse.

    Ou est Fanatek ? À la cave ?

    Je vais patienter encore la semaine prochaine dès fois que ...? Ensuite j'annulerai ma commande ; savez-vous que vos concurrents font de belles choses également. J'avais hésité entre Asetec et vous. Visiblement, vous n'êtes plus les meilleurs !

    Je vous laisse une semaine pour livrer, pas un jour de plus, sinon je reprendrai mes billes et tchao !

    Ce n'est pas la peine de mettre des panneaux publicitaires sur les circuits si vous n'êtes pas capable de suive la demande et surtout de tenir informés vos clients. Ça s'appelle du respect.

    Je peux comprendre beaucoup de choses mais je n'accepte pas d'être traité avec tant de mépris.


  • Order number: 1945457 (ordered on 27th march)

    Status: Handover to warehouse

    There is no update yet on ETA. Please confirm if there will be delays

  • Order number: 1950893 ordered on 6th of april

    status: Handover to warehouse

    Said it would ship within 4-7 days

    Please give me a tracking number.

  • made an order on the 27th of march, according to the site was shipped on april 4th, this however seems to be a lie as when going to ups, they claim to have not yet received the item, waited another week then tried to contact support using the online chat, 2 days in a row tried using the chat multiple times but apparantly no one available for the chat. is there anyone actually working for customer support?

    really feel like this company have decided that their customers are not worth the time.

  • On March 31 I placed an order with number 1947464 All the products were in stock.

    On April 2 I received an email notifying me that the order was being processed.

    Since then, no news about my order.

    Thank you.

  • I think we are Just wasting out time here, never saw an "official" reply from Fanatec in this forum.

  • Hello I ordered on 9/04/2024 order number 1952544 on my fanatec account the statue and sent to the warehouse since Wednesday I still have no tracking number I contacted ups and they cannot help me without the tracking number I work and I am rarely at home it would be good to have tracking of my order to avoid delivery problems please thank you

  • Enquiry about order 1949850, been 7 days and order hasn't moved, seems like this is happening a lot.

    This is a birthday present for my son and it is due imminently.

    Am I going to be waiting for months? has anyone had a good experience here? supposed to be the top brand maybe I should of gone for a uk brand moza maybe?

    Any update is welcome.

  • Bonjour, le 30/03 j'ai acheté un bundle CSL DD 8nm avec le pédalier CSL, la pédale avec loadcell, la roue P1 V2. J'ai été agréablement surpris car ma commande à été préparée rapidement et le 03/04 elle est arrivée au centre de tri UPS ANGERS. Depuis la commande à été perdue ou renvoyée en Allemagne. Je n'ai aucune nouvelle de votre part pour un renvoi de produits ou de la part d'ups qui m'informe que légalement je ne suis pas encore propriétaire des produits commandés car ils n'ont pas été livrés.

    Je ne vous reproche rien niveau envoi car il a été rapide et j'avais même été surpris, je veux juste récupérer mes produits ou savoir où ils sont.

    Commande n°1946928


  • Received my package after 2 days after the said 1 week delay, so in total it took around 10 days

    The Netherlands

  • Hi all,

    I wanted to reach out to the community regarding an issue I've been experiencing with my recent order from Fanatec.

    I placed an order (number 1938426) on March 15th, and since then, it's been stuck in the "in progress" status. Despite my attempts to contact Fanatec through various channels over the past few weeks, I haven't received any response or updates regarding the status of my order.

    I'm hoping for a resolution soon, but at this point, I'm not sure if this post will even be acknowledged by Fanatec.


  • Hi all, same here, my order: 1951533 - bought items that are in stock. waiting from 7th April so far. Status of the order is blocked as it has been passed to warehouse. Waiting critically for the shipment. When can i expect it to be sent from you ?? many thanks for quick and sharp response !

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