ClubSport DD+ Update



  • It is a big shame a new product now....

    Send orders first to your actual customers !!!

  • that;s why they locked me out from cancelling last week (put order handover to warehouse).... If I contact support to cancel it will take 1.5month (my own experience), they likely will ship it by that time.

  • is there a reason they did not announce new "bundle"? (even at the time of launch), oh yeah... full bag of reasons :D.

    So they said, they wanted to give people options (dd and dd+) right of the gate.

    Now we have what? 4 options? even before most received (and not even shipped) their first options? :D Don't you feel, Fanatec, the need to go and ask everyone if they would like to make switch? (You said you want to give people options (in youtube interview))

    Oh, wait, sorry,... I forgot you don't have user support at the moment that could do it... But don't worry (we know you don't care) we believe, you would do it, if you would have user support

  • Totally agree with you...

  • I think you need to be a youtuber to receive order...wake up Fanatec !

  • Greetings, the situation in which Fanatec is treating customers is an abuse, theft and even a lack of respect. Since November I have had the order and it has already been paid and this is the date that they do not send, they do not have the essence and courtesy of answering emails and much less taking calls.

    Does anyone know in any legal way that we could proceed against Fanatec because they do not want to respond.

    I am already very uncomfortable with your irresponsible way.

  • John NJohn N Member

    I received my ClubSport DD+ in Australia on the 26th of February and unfortunately the wheelbase is DOA. It appears that the angle sensor on the base is faulty. I am quite technical so I’m confident that this is the issue. The same day I received it, I spent hours troubleshooting it (shooting video evidence etc). This was over 10 days ago now, the same day I also raised a support ticket (via the correct process in the my product page after entering the serial number) . I have also followed up that same ticket providing even more information and requesting an update (again following the correct process replying to the original ticket rather than raising new tickets) and I have received zero communication from support. If someone from Fanatec is monitoring the forum, can you please advise what the current turn around time is expected for support requests. The initial email when I raised the request stated 7 days and it’s been over 10 now with no response. Given I ordered the DD+ in October, to be able waiting this long and to have a DOA item and no communication is very, very disappointing! Is there anyway I can have a RMA request expedited before the Australian stock is exhausted again and I’m without a replacement for potentially months?

  • John NJohn N Member

    Fanatec, I implore you for some kind of response. Let's be honest, the trainwreck of events since the Clubsport DD+ is completely unprofessional (delayed shipments, lack of communication, dishonest communications, lack of sony approval). It could have been said that I was a 'fanboy', I got into the Fanatec eco system many, many years ago with a clubsport csl elite v1.1 and have since then been a loyal and patient customer who has spent thousands of hard earnt dollars on products (including a podium bmw m4 gt3 wheel! p.s. when are we going to get the QR2 usb adaptor for it????). I even had a clubsport formula v2.0 which was actually DOA and at the time fanatec support was amazing. I had the issue diagnosed with their help as a faulty wheel within a couple of days and an RMA and paperwork sorted shortly thereafter and a replacement wheel delivered in less than 10 days, now I can't even get a response in 10 days, it is in short, disrespectful. Without any kind of response you are leaving with no other avenue other than to raise a charge back for goods not delivered as what I was received was paperweight whereas I actually ordered a working Clubsport DD+. What other options do I have? A genuine response would be deeply appreciated! Many thanks in advance.

  • Someone with march 5th availibility date for DD+ in Europe has a traking number ?

  • Pedro RSPedro RS Member

    Still pending here too.

  • edited March 8

    I have just asked the same question on Reddit...come on, it's start to be really frustrating! People who order a week ago got their stuff before us, or worse, before some BF orders! Hoping they reserved the other availble stuffs of the order during this waiting period cause if not I won' never receive it!

    I haven't word right now... 😭

  • I got an answer through youtube, march 11th for Europe..

  • edited March 8

    I have canceled my Order from 11.01.24 for the dd+. (Has 05.03. as date of availibility).

    Order the DD+ with the F1-wheel new and it was sent on the next day and is now on the way to me with UPS and should arrive on Monday.

    Fanatec has his own Interpretation of FIFO.... 😉

  • This is ridiculous. Now if i cancel my order is certain that as I get back my money the f1 wheel bundle will be sold out.

    Just give me my damn stuff this is very upseting

  • Can I say it seems a big bullshit? How do you think the new F1 DD+ Bundle came from China? I tell you: with the same ship container! So something is starting to not add up...or better: they are trying to stressed all the people who ordered with a voucher to push them cancelling their orders and loseing their right! TOTAL CRAP!!!

  • I also ordered with a voucher!!! They have time until Monday. On Tuesday I will inform every agency I can find...

  • Some positive feedback to report. I got bored waiting for my order which got delayed till April due to stock issues. On Thursday evening I cancelled my order and ordered the CS F1 bundle. The following morning my order was cancelled and my new order was sent to warehouse. My cancelled order refund was back in my bank account within 24 hours of the cancellation request. So for any people worried about cancelling and waiting for their refund, I have to say I was massively impressed with the speed of the process and to have money back in account within 24 was a huge surprise so well done Fanatec. Some faith restored.

  • I would gladly cancel and reorder my stuffs if they gave me back my wasted voucher for my order stuck (I'm almost sure)!

    Also because I think I would receive easy the new one as I can see with people are ordering in these last days.....or maybe no due the using of the voucher again...?! 🤔

  • I would love to cancel. But they locked me out with "handover to warehouse" weeks ago. Their ships in 4-7 days is complete BS. Unless they forgot to mention that l, that applies only to new orders.

    Contacting support takes 1.5 month response. But I'm more worried if they will send me garbage in the box and claim it's dd+ . or faulty one and then I really have to get to deal with their non existing customer support.

    How much we would be surprised if our orders exist just for us. Fanatec has no clue (on purpose) those exist.

  • Hello, I ordered my products or

    Dd +

    Pedal board v3

    Steering wheel formula v2

    Damper kit

    Pedal kit

    QR 2

    At the time of the order everything was available except the dd that gave it on 28/02. During this date the damper kit is out of stock and was available again on 07/03. To date I have not received any more news as they should have all the components of my order. I ask you for advice on what to do. Payment made by post pay.

  • edited March 11

    Now it is the 11th so let’s see what excuse they come up with this time…

  • Yes and please update if anyone has a tracking number

  • Hello everyone, I am also in the same situation I ordered on 26/12 from Italy, in my order there is the date of 5/3, but from the email received you should move something today, at least I hope so! I don't know what to think!!

  • I am happy for you but it is ridiculous that they don’t send the plain dd+

  • Yes.... thats right!

    By the way..... refund for the canceled DD+ was on my Bank within 24h. That was fast.....

    But I hope for you, they will send the plain dd+ soon to you!

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