Gran Turismo 7 (PS4/PS5) - Fanatec Recommended Settings



  • Me too, and you don't got oscilation with 911 group3 for example with the NDP at 0 ?

    Starting 110km/h if you let go of the wheel and put a little push with one finger , the oscillating party is on

  • Stephen JayStephen Jay Member
    edited March 2023

    I don't let go of the wheel, why would you? Of course it's going to oscillate if you do that. Having the NDP so high you're just numbing what limited detail & FFB there is from the game.

  • IIn GT7 you even get oscillations in some cars with a low NDP when you have both hands on the wheel. NDP is crucial in GT7 because imho the games FFB is just nowhere near as good as other games which dont suffer from oscillation issues or clipping issues, which GT7 unfortunately still both has.

  • Simply doesn't feel natural to me having this at "low" speed. But I see your point about details .

    This is where ACC is another planet :) but ACC has no psvr 2 support !!! ;)

  • WTFWTF Member

    PSVR2 is nuts… Never went back to a flat screen

  • Will Fanatec update the recommended settings with the new update?

    SuperGT has changed his but he has a DD1. He also really changed everything. In game and on the wheel. I tried his with the CSL and it felt terrible.

  • Me too. I moved my rig away from the TV so now I have more room for other things. If a racing sim game releases without PSVR2 then I’m not interested. Its night and day better racing.

  • edited April 2023

    Sorry Maurice. I hit quote while scrolling through the forum and I couldn't figure out how to delete it from the comments box on mobile. And now I can't delete it.

  • Hi, I tried your settings, hoping to find something new, but I'm telling you the truth, I don't like it!! There are many signs, other details, but they are not good and are not defined at all!

  • i am using beta 450 driver on csl gt pro 8nm

  • Ok! Calm down! Well you're in the minority because I've posted them on GT Planet and Reddit and they've been well received.

    Use them or don't but I've tried loads of different settings and none get near the level of feel and detail that mine do.

  • edited April 2023

    The settings from Super GT imho are not good and should not be used by anyone.

    Might be because he is on an ancient old firmware from 3 years ago and not on the most recent Firmware which can be Seen by just looking at the Tuning Menu texts which nowadays look very different. With the most recent Firmware the settings he uses dont feel good for sure.

  • I’m using the AS setting of the DD Pro 8NM and feels really good also the recommend setting feel good but yea wondering if Fanatec will tweak the recommend settings now.

  • WTFWTF Member

    Update 1.31 - best setting so far.. 

    McLaren GT3 & DD Pro 8NM

    Tuning Menu Settings:

    • SEN Auto
    • FF 100
    • FFS Peak
    • NDP 25-35
    • NFR Off
    • NIN Off
    • INT 3
    • FEI 100
    • FOR 100
    • SPR 100
    • DPR 100

    In-Game Settings:

    Assist Settings: 

    • Countersteering Assistance: Off

    Controller Settings:

    • Controller Steering Sensitivity: 5
    • Force Feedback Max. Torque: 5
    • Force Feedback Sensitivity: 6

  • So has anyone got any recommended settings for the DD1 with the latest GT7 update?

    I've currently just turned down the strength compared to my previous settings, but would be interested to hear what others have done?

    I was running the strength at around 65 before, but with the in game settings reduced to 3 & 1 rather than the recommended 5 & 1.

  • Louis PassaroLouis Passaro Member
    edited April 2023

    It’s a challenge to get settings correct for any of the Fanatec platforms. I think we have had such bad physics for so long that its difficult to train your brain to driving with good physics.

    After this update, it’s clear and I quote Kireth, GT7 is the best racing game out there. Just couple tweaks to make it perfect. Wish I could map my F1 wheel with a DD Pro base but it doesn’t seem to recognize the fact my wheel is different than what the DD Pro came with.

  • I apologize but these settings aren’t for me. Just searching 1.31 Fanatec settings I cannot find any recommendations from anywhere yet the Fanatec old recommended ones need updating. For a GT7 branded wheel I would think someone would be publishing their Fanatec recommendations.

  • Any recommendations for settings with the new update @maurice? I think I'm having clipping with the new update, sometimes in corners with heavy breaking I suddenly have no fbb for a second, happens rarely but feels weird

  • edited April 2023

    Clipping was always an issue in the game and it still is. Nothing you can do, it's a (major) game issue.

    Therefore I also dont play this game anymore until they fixed this, so no new settings from my side.

  • your are losing grip with the heavy breaking, you r locking the tires, no losing ffb, the abs change with the update as well the car behavior during breaking, so it behave different. I’m using the recommend setting by fanatec, not getting clipping, the game is sending you more details and it feel more heavy so maybe try using lower ffb?

  • Louis PassaroLouis Passaro Member
    edited April 2023

    I agree with this. I don’t think you are clipping. Your car is sliding and you have lost grip. If the wheel is completely dead then I’d say you are clipping but I’d bet there is still feedback. I would check this by doing a time trial where you don’t care what is happening. In a race we get so into it that we can miss subtle details and think we are seeing or feeling something we aren’t.

    I have felt the same thing but with the new update it’s apparent I’m trying to drive the car like before the update. 1.31 has really improved the physics of the game putting a premium on trail breaking skill vs just hammering the brakes, throwing the nose around the corner then slamming the gas. It also punishes people trying to turn and accelerate on the curbs. It’s very close to ACC’s physics.

    PD designers aren’t blind to the criticisms of the game and they have been improving it over and over. They have added so much since launch and I haven’t had to pay a dime extra. PSVR2 and 120HZ alone are really a spectacular addition. My only criticism is I should be able to map any wheel I use with the DD Pro base.

    Maurice, you are missing out and thereby we are missing out on your recommendations for setting the wheels.

  • edited April 2023

    I am not missing out. The Clipping is still a real issue and not fixed at all. This has nothing to do with car sliding or losing grip.

    I wont recommend new settings for a game I actually cant recommend to play because of such a huge game issue where the core FFB is still fundamentally broken.

  • Louis PassaroLouis Passaro Member
    edited April 2023

    How would you know if you haven’t played the game in months? The new update has fixed all those previous problems

  • edited April 2023

    Of course I have played the game on Thursday after the patch went live, otherwise I would not do such Statements, and no, the clipping is definitely NOT fixed at all.

    The new update just improved the physics but not the FFB. The FFB is still broken.

  • Well that’s too bad. Was hoping for your expert feedback on settings.

  • Can someone recommend best settings for dd1 podium? I could not find the best one, and the settings has changed multiple times during updates.

    @Maurice which one was the “best” for you ? Recommended one?

    I have the newest Fanatec software update.

    Please help guys I’m a little bit lost with that :/

  • Seems 1.31 settings are scarce for all bases. Kinda strange as usually people are falling all over themselves to put out their preferences

  • WTFWTF Member

    People are lost in the VR 😉

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