FanaLab 2.01.45 Release (prev .35 rc) - Post your Feedback here



  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited June 10

    its not big deal really but 403 means forbidden. other words someone must disabled allowing posting the images and other files

  • Maurice , the settings of your picture are the same as mine😏

  • Then idk.

  • edited June 10

    Is this version compatible with driver (and firmwares) 455 or only 457?

  • It works with 455 just fine.

  • Okay. So I have the latest fanalab version and I am using the provided game in the fanalab menu and not a custom game. I don’t know what it can be.

  • Yoan BoulleYoan Boulle Member
    edited June 11

    Do you plan to update your profile pack for the new BMW in LMU Maurice ?

    Thanks in advance for your work !

  • Once a new Lab version with a new CarsList is released, sure.

  • in f1 24 my rev lights aren't woriking. I'm on pc with the podium dd1 and formula ps wheel. Any solutions for this?

  • edited June 11

    Make sure to click the two green buttons in the game profile tab to Enable Telemetry and Enable FanaLab support to disable native support.

    Then make sure to adjust the RPM or % values for the LEDs correctly and then it should work just fine. If not, then please links to pictures of the game profile tab and the LED tab of the Lab as well as a screenshot from the in-game telemetry settings.

  • I reenebled the telemetry and now it works! thanks a lot!


    heres the links to the pics. I cannot get it to work. It’s only in this game. Using EA app. On the free trial currently. Could that be why?

  • edited June 12

    Your UDP Port is wrong. It has to be 20888 in both FanaLab and F1 game itself, not 20777.

    Try change it in both to 20888 and then Telemetry should work fine.

  • edited June 12

    PS: The free trial most likely has different paths to the settings and is not supported by FanaLab so that could further explain why it's not working for you even when you set the correct UDP Port of 20888.

  • Now with the udp port used by fanalab, my dashboard from simhub isn't working.. is it possible to redirect the udp signal to simhub? i tried redirect it from simhub to fanalab with the correct port i assigned but my led's stayed off.. now I have either my leds working and no dashboard or no led's and a working dashboard😅

  • No, unfortunately FanaLab does not support Port forwarding and there are no plans atm to add support for this AFAIK.

  • I don't understand why this wasn't a problem until f1 24 but yeah then i will drive without rev led's

  • It was always a problem in F1 games, therefore you also can not use FanaLab together with the Fanatec Mobile App for example. You never could and in the near future you also will not be able to do so.

    You would need to use the native game LED support by enabling the Fanatec LED option in the game telemetry settings but you wont be able to control the LEDs via the Lab in any F1 game.

  • Yeah I tried using 20888 and 20778. Same result. And maybe it is because of the free trial. Blah

  • Then it definitely is because of the free trial which FanaLab does not support, yes.

  • In f1 23 my LED's worked as they were in your profiles for f1 23 with Fanalab open and I could use my dashboard. It's the first time that i had to chose between my LED's and my dash.

  • edited June 12


    To get SimHub, Fanalab, and SimDashboard all working together I had to use port forwarding. In my case setting in-game to 20777, SimDashboard to 20777, then udp forwarded to Fanalab 20888, and SimHub 20999. I'm using SimDashboard as a button box to eliminate need for keyboard (it's showing some telemetry as well)

    I don't recall if SimHub does forwarding (not at PC). If it does, try setting Fanalab to 20888, in-game 20777, SimHub 20777 then forward to 20888. All other settings as shown in pic above.

    Worth a try. I didn't own f1 23 so no reference.

    Update(googled): it does and here's a thread on this topic for f122 Using UDP Forwarding Feature for F1 22 telemetry on two devices, HELP. – Simhub General – SimHub Forum (

  • Thanks Kevin, I'll give it a try but I setted it up like this yesterday evening " If it does, try setting Fanalab to 20888, in-game 20777, SimHub 20777 then forward to 20888"

    In the link you gave me there is an instruction with a special order of starting the programs, i'll try these and give you the feedback here😊

  • edited June 12

    Doing it like in you link Kevin, everything finally works!

    Start Fanalab, enable telemetry and choose port 20888

    Start Simhub, enable telemetry on port 20777 and forward to 20888

    Autoconfigure the game from simhub

    Launch the game

  • Awesome David! So glad I got to finally help someone since I've received so much help here. Enjoy!

  • edited June 13

    Hello Maurice,

    Just updated Fanalab as well as your new profiles. I hadn't updated for a while. I noticed a change from the older profiles, where FFB was set at 60 for the DD2 and now the FFB is set to 100. I have a DD1 so I had my FFB set at 75 as you suggested and all worked well. The 100 setting is quite a bit stronger. Was there a reason for this? Am I missing a change that was made?

    Kind Regards

    Richard Bailey

  • You took the wrong profiles for CS DD+.

    P DD profiles are all still maxed out at 60.

  • Ah, thanks Maurice. stupid me just saw the DD+ and thought it meant DD1, DD2. I didn't realize there was a CS DD+ wheelbase.



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