Black Friday 2023- All offers are online!



  • I would give you the discounted prices now and please send a screenshot of this chat to my team if they disagree. ;)

    Thank you for your patience!

  • Thank you! This is really appreciated and definitely makes me happy to have bought back into the Fanatec ecosystem :)

  • Day 8 deals still not online yet in Europe…

  • We have some sync problems but this will be sorted shortly. At least you can now make a buying decision if you waited to see all offers.

  • @Thomas Jackermeier I am in the exact same status (see previous message) except I bought on 20/11 and it would be also appreciated ;)

  • My basket just waiting for the Handbrake actually and then I make my purchase. Thx for the update :)

  • In conclusion, I can say that I got great deals, I bought more than I had expected, but that's okay, I replaced the entire rig thanks to this week, initially I only had to buy a steering wheel, ahahahahah.

    I understand someone's dissatisfaction, but of course you can't make everyone happy. Personally, I too was surprised by the offer on the hub-side QR2, I wouldn't have imagined an offer on such a recent product, but thinking about it it makes a lot of sense, so they encourage users to switch to the QR2 which is clearly superior.

    I only regret that I accidentally canceled my pre order of the CS DD+, but I am confident that through assistance I will be able to resume the previous order position with the new pre order. The order view on mobile is not very intuitive.

    As much as I hope that next year the offers will all go out on one day, I think it will happen again like this, in that case, I would like to recommend the possibility of unifying the shipments or similar, so that people don't have to pay for shipping several times and and because it's not good for the planet, there's already enough CO2.

    In conclusion of the conclusion, ahahahaha, I'm so happy I chose Fanatec when I decided to switch to DD technology and I wouldn't change my decision if I went back. Thanks to the guys at Fanatec and Thomas for the excellent products you provide us.

  • and another disappointment... good deals but unfortunately not what i had hoped for

  • Hey there,

    i bought a DD2 with QR2 Wheelside. On my Order the Delivery Date for the QR2 was on 30. November 2023.

    If i start a new Order it says the QR2 Wheelside is available in late December. Does this effect my order too or does the QR2 Wheelside gets shipped out in waves?

    If my order will be delivered in late December, is it possible to cancel the QR2 in my order so that you can ship the DD2 faster to me?

    Best regards,


  • Herr Jackermeier,

    zunächst vielen Dank und Respekt für eine schnelle Reaktion auf meine ungefilterte, veröffentlichte Kritik.

    Ihre Antwort umschifft aber das von mir angesprochene Problem. Es geht mir nicht um die generelle Existenz von Deals und Sonderkonditionen. Mir ist ebenso bewusst, dass somit auch Ladenhüter und Bestandsware aus dem Regal kommen sollen. Neukundengewinnung spielt natürlich auch eine Rolle, etc.

    Was aber nicht sein kann, ist ein derartige Rabattierung auf neu (langersehnte!) erschienene Ware (QR2), für die die "early adopter" und geneigten Fans und treuen Bestandskunden nur wenige Wochen zuvor den !5-fachen! Einführungspreis bezahlt haben!!!

    Es geht nicht darum, dass eine DD2 Base oder das QR2 Portfolio im Rahmen der BFW rabattiert wurde, es geht darum, dass diese Ware nahezu verschleudert / verramscht wird! Da kommt man sich nun mal regelrecht ver...... vor. Ich kann das leider nicht anders bezeichnen.

    Ich frage mich, was Sie dazu sagen würden, als betroffener Kunde und Fan...

    Mit dieser Aktion hat Fanatec viele Kunden glücklich gemacht, aber noch mehr Kunden verärgert. Ich bin enttäuscht und verärgert.

  • Unfortunately I am unable to complete my order and pay with Paypal, the following error appears

    "An error occured while processing your payment."

    What can I do?

    Thanks for your help

  • Hello, is it possible that not all of today's offers are listed on the website yet? e.g. the ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2.5 X

  • That is a known issue for several months which affects some accounts.

    There is no solution for this other than creating a brand new webshop account, for some strange reason PayPal will work with these newly created accounts but for many long-time accounts it just wont work.

  • Hallo Thomas,

    super Aktion euer Black Friday.

    Ich bin einer ähnlichen Situation. Ich habe Anfang Nov. Eine CSL DD 5Nm gekauft (mit Lenkrad(BMW V2) und Pedale(CSL)) für den Bundle Bonus, weil es hieß das es bei Fanatec keine große BF Aktion gibt, da man sich einen kontinuierlichen Verkauf über das Jahr hinweg wünscht.

    Ich habe nun ein V2.5x gekauft, hier würde noch ein 70€ Bundle Rabatt anfallen zur CSL DD, wäre das möglich dies noch nachträglich zu Korrigieren?

    Desweiteren habe ich nun auch Clubsport V3 Pedalen gekauft, daher würde ich gerne die CSL Pedalen zurücksenden (sind ungeöffnet).

    Ansonsten wirklich eine spannende Aktion mit tollen Angeboten. Vielen Dank

  • Hi, I've just tried to purchase a GT Pro base and Mclaren GT3 V2 wheel for PS5 but I get the error message "Error with payment, not enough balance, please contact our sales".

    Now I know my bank account has enough balance, so am wondering if this is a Fanatec issue related to Black Friday payments, number of people trying to order?

    Thanks for your help.

  • I am wondering since apparently all offers should be online by now.

    Did you decide against offering some of the remaining limited editions F1 wheels from past years? Because on the pages of those it states

    For our 25th anniversary Black Friday sale, we are offering a very small number of limited edition F1 wheels again. These are reserved units from our safety stock - the total amount from the limited production runs has not changed!

    see for example.

    Can I expect those to be available some time today?

  • Hi Thomas.

    Thanks for this Black Friday offers. But I really want to hear something from you. Is it really so difficult to include some PLAYSTATION wheelbase or the whole package like GT DD pro?? I really don't get it.

    You got 5nm CSL DD with pedals, base and wheel from 400€. And the same package for Playstation starts from 700€. Do I miss something here?

    400€ ( PC, XBOX) ....700€ (PS5)..... :)

    I really tought that at least one base for Playstation will be in BF offers.

    Have a nice weekend and don't spend to much on Black Firday, :)

  • thank you so much Maurice, I will try this way, I hope to be able to return to the site to create a new profile and complete the order, I'm waiting again.

  • Why did someone add those infoboxes then? It's on the pages of multiple years and specifically references this year's black friday.

  • edited November 2023

    The infoboxes were added during last years 25th anniversary sale and specifially reference last years BF, not this years BF, and they sold the last units which were available and held back for RMA purposes, but that doesnt apply anymore so they are all gone forever now.

  • Ah my bad. Somehow I thought this year was the 25th anniversary. Probably because there's still the 25 in the logo so I got confused. But you're right, that was last year already. Nevermind then and thanks for clearing up my confusion :D

  • Hi Thomas, after the problem I had when paying for my order with Paypal I was disconnected from the site and now I'm in the waiting room. Unfortunately it says "Your estimated wait time is unavailable." and I would like to understand if before having to go to work at 4pm there is the possibility of accessing and, more importantly, finding something still available in my cart... I hope to receive good news, thank you very much

  • I'm quoting for the last time, I promise.

    I managed to log in again, I tried to complete the order again and there is still the same error with Paypal.

    I've tried creating a new account about 10 times but it says:

    Oops! An error has occurred!

    "We have been informed about the problem and try to solve it. Please try again within a short time."

    At this point I think I have to abandon the idea of buying from Fanatec this Black Friday 2023, and I say this with sadness.

    If I carry on like this I'll go crazy, and luckily my hair has already fallen out a few years ago.

    Thanks again to those who helped me.

  • Ritchie KrayRitchie Kray Member
    edited November 2023

    Jetzt mal im Ernst, ich hab das schon in englisch verfasst aber es muss wohl nochmal auf deutsch sein.

    kein Mensch kann eure Verärgerung verstehen, nur weil ihr „early adopter“ seid und neue Ware immer direkt an Day 1 haben müsst! Das Risiko dass die Ware früher oder später rabattiert werden könnte besteht IMMER!!! Also kein Grund dazu sich zu beschweren SO KURZ VOR BF…

    zudem ist doch weit und breit bekannt das am Black Friday der EINZIGE Tag im Jahr ist wo Fanatec rabattierte Ware anbietet. Und wenn sie den Kundenkreis direkt ins neue QR2 System holen wollen, geht das am besten über den Preis. Ist doch klar. Euer Jammern wegen nem Rabatt zu einem Zeitpunkt der seit langem klar war, ist damit absolut unangebracht. Es ist nicht zu fassen wie man nur jemanden angreifen kann weil er nen guten Preis für den Kunden macht. Nächstes mal wartet doch einfach auf den Black Friday, so wie der Großteil es jedes Jahr macht!

    die größte Unverschämtheit kommt hier nicht von Fanatec, sondern von euch. Sorry, aber ich kann sowas echt nicht mehr lesen.

    man sollte dem Herrn Jackermeier eher mal danken, dass er den Leuten den Umstieg zum BF so angenehm wie möglich gemacht hat!

    schönen Tag noch und viel Freude mit deinem QR2 System 👍

  • edited November 2023

    Hi Thomas, that last deal is crazy :) I received yesterday my order from last week-end, Formula v2.5 + CSL DD + CSL Elites Pedals v2, same products today are 210€ less, since I am still in the 14 days window should I send it back and reorder the same, except for a v2.5x instead of v2.5? Price difference covers the freight back to Hamburg. Obviously any compromise more efficient would be appreciated.

  • @Benoit

    I would really like to know why you made an order from Fanatec one week before Black Friday???

    You couldn't wait one more week? :)

  • Quite simple: good deal on CSL Elite v2 last week-end + Fanatec has a reputation of "slow" logistics (as it is written everywhere: ships in 4-7 days) + option to cancel until shipped => I thought I was safe to optimize my order with further deals during the week while securing at least the Elite v2 discount.

    It turns out the order was shipped day +1 or day +2 and the Elite was not one of the deal which ran out of stock, so here I am with 15kg of hardware to send back to save 200€ :) And honestly, today's deal is madness when you have the 150€ CSL Bundle discount on top of it, I could not imagine such a discount on products which are entry-level so "low margin" usually, Fanatec margins must be nice :)

  • QR2 Base-Side (Type-C) can be reserved in other regions, but not from Japan.

    This is sad. Please make it possible to make reservations.

  • Hi! This afternoon I made a purchase at your website, but an error occurred.

    The money disappear from my account, however, in my profile the item doesn't appear.

    By the time the payment was confirmed the website was collapsed so i can undertand a little delay, but it's been hours and still nothing showed up.

    I want to undestand what is happening in order to short out this situation as soon as possible.

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